Sunday, February 17

Aren't I the Girl?

Why is my husband always the last person, in a family of ALL girls, to be ready? I can get myself and four small children ready in the time it takes him to get ready.

Am I alone here?


J said...

Hiya. I just finished reading your blog, too. You sound a lot like us! So, are you stationed in Boston still? I am a little confused by the whole deal, sorry.

PS. Yes, I got my new microwave at Target! Woot for Target!!!!!

Stephanie said...

No, actually we have been done with recruiting and Boston for two years now. We are currently stationed in Fort Leavenworth KS. Which is were we met, I have lived in this area since I was a child and it was my husbands first duty station. It's the first time I have been home in 6years.

I kept thinking the whole time I was reading your blogs just how much we sound similar.

Target is great, I am there way too much.

Allie said...

LOL, my husband takes longer showers than me. He has no hair and yet he conditions it, hilarious.

Stephanie said...

My husband is practically bald too, I have no idea what takes him so damn long. I am in and out in under 15mins, unless I have to have then it takes 20.