Friday, February 22

Reasons it's time to GO!

1) She's been here for two days and is already bitching that she is tired. (Okay, I get it, I have four kids. No one knows this better than I. But you are only here for five days, SUCK IT UP!)

2) She's rolled her eyes at me so many times I want to gouge them out.

3) She has questioned my eating choices one too many times. All while eating everything in sight AND bitching about her own weight. (I don't complain about my weight, I may not like being fat, but I don't bitch to ANYONE but my husband about it.)

4) She's been here two freaking days and is bitching about the children, already.

5) I am thinking about running away to be alone tomorrow.

6) My husband has disappeared, stayed late at work, and claimed headaches. And this is HIS mother.

7) I have had my mothering techniques questioned and ignored more than once.

8) All of the inane questions.

9) When it takes 15 minutes to pick out a box of TISSUES!

10) The constant assumption that we ignore or neglect our dog. (I promise we don't. She just doesn't like that he gets fed once a day, before we go to bed, and is fed only one big scoop of food as per vets orders.)

11) I was JUST asked if I have checked on the time for a girl scout function that is happening on Sunday, AGAIN! (Because you know I am stupid and forget things ALL the time.) (She does this because ONCE I forgot to take my daughter to a girl scout meeting, last freaking year. Plus I didn't really forget, I was pregnant and fell asleep.)

12) The way she screams HELLO THERE on the cell phone when she calls people, thus waking the peacefully sleeping baby.

13) The constant SHHHH as she is watching "the Idol", when other people are visiting with us in our house.

14) Questioning our decision to take Lilly's baby blanket away from her, again. (She is 8yrs old, it's not a security thing anymore. I had it away from her three times before at 5yrs old and 6yrs old and each time I am made to feel like a bad mommy for taking it from her.)

15) Hearing her make excuse after excuse for my crazy F*ed Up SIL. (Someday I will do a whole series on my SIL. It might take a whole month to tell all her shit.)

This has been a pleasant couple of days. And on top of her shit, I am getting a cold. Plus it's been so cold here lately and it snowed again, she has been bitching about the weather and how warm/cold I keep my house at night.


Allie said...

I totally get the annoying mother bit, I don't talk to my MIL but my mom is enough to drive me crazy, as I'm sure you read on my blog. Stay strong and try not to kill her.

Stephanie said...

I might be able to plead temporary insanity, right? ;)