Tuesday, December 30

I Want a House!

I don't know why but Kale decided to start looking at houses while he was here. We found this one online and we LOVE it. You can check it out for yourself here if you like. The kitchen is pretty much perfect, the rest just needs paint and maybe new flooring, except the master bath needs an overhaul someday. If it is still available in six months when Kale returns we will try and buy it. It's bigger than any military house we have lived in so far, by nearly 1000 sq ft. We expect/hope to be here for at least 5 more years if not longer. I would like to keep the girls in the same school as long as possible. But this is what I have to look forward to, something to keep me motivated.


Jennifer said...

i can come paint... you just send that plane ticket!!

pinky promise.

I'm going to go check out the listing. :)

Also I let you something on my blog... well I'm in the works of leaving you something. :)


today any better/easier? I sure hope so. :) thinking of you. HUGS!!

Jennifer said...

the outside is gorgeous and the inside sounds very nice... i couldn't see any pics of the inside... but it seems really great.

i wish you lots of house buying luck when the time comes. :)


Stephanie said...

I saw the inside through the virtual tour feature.

I may very well take you up on the painting offer! I bet a plane ticket is cheaper than hiring painters or marriage counseling. :P

United Studies said...

This saddens me.... house like that for $175,000? We can't get an apartment for that much here in the DC area. Very nice!

Stephanie said...

Jackie, I know what you mean. The houses here are really reasonable. But we looked at a similar house in our neighborhood when we lived in MA and it was 500K+. I was shocked having grown up in KS all my life.

Jennifer said...

hey lady!! :)

just took the tour, and WOW!! great house. I hope you do get this one... or one that you like just as much... this is GREAT!! :)
