Two Pictures from our Ceremony
I was HUGE!
I have now been married for nine years, woo hoo! Sense a lack of true enthusiasm? Sorry, I will try and do better next year, when I get my big honking ring! That's our deal, our ten year anniversary I get a big honking ring and he gets a new wedding band. Currently neither of us wear wedding rings, that's new though. I lost mine two years ago, I am still pretty sad about it. Even though I didn't like the style (marquis cut, not my thing) it was still my engagement ring and wedding band. Kale doesn't wear his anymore because his finger is too fat to wear it anymore. Plus he lost a diamond out of it and was too lazy to dig out the receipt and diamond bond, so it was never fixed.
Okay here goes I will list 9 things about US:
1) I met him when he came to a party at my house. His roommate was dating mine. I was really drunk and with another guy. Kale hit on my 14 year old cousin (she really did look 18) and I let him have it. I didn't like him much after that.
2) I honestly can't tell you why I gave him a second chance. Usually first impressions last a lifetime with me and he certainly didn't make a good one.
3) I can't even remember why we started dating, he wasn't my normal type. He asks me all the time why I married him and I always answer with "because you were nice to me."
4) He waited on my hand and foot while we were dating. I miss that now. I tell him all the time it was false advertising.
5) I almost broke up with him during a rough patch before we got engaged. I found out later the reason I was being such a bitch was hormones from my first pregnancy. I am lucky he stayed with me.
6) Before we were married I had only met his parents once, for dinner.
7) He didn't think my mom liked him, but she really was his biggest supporter. During our rough patch she's who made me "see the light". She told me to picture him with another woman and asked me if I could live with that picture. Obviously I couldn't.
8) He asked me to marry him on Christmas day 1998. I was 18 and he had just turned 20.
9) It took him forever to stop calling him his last name. When I was introduced to him by his buddies (all in the army) they called him by his last name, so I did. For a long time. Now it would be odd to call him that.
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