Saturday, February 2

My nephew the HULK

My nephew, the one and only child of my one and only sibling, is freaking huge. Not fat by any means, just a giant of a baby. My kids call him "King Kong of the Babies". He is exactly 3 weeks older than my Delilah and they are only an inch apart in height. But weight, they are worlds apart. He weighed 19lbs 4ozs LAST month, we will find out his current weight in a week. Delilah was 13lbs 2ozs last month, she is in the 50th percentile, Alan is in the 98th.

So imagine this big guy and his poor, tiny mommy. She is about 5'7" and weighs barely 110lbs, she is so tall and skinny. And very very weak. I am short only 5 feet and fat, but strong I was very active and athletic in high school. She can't carry him in the carseat, so when we went shopping today that task fell on me. She could barely carry my daughter in her carseat or even just lift her sons carseat into the car. I am exhusted tonight. I suggested maybe they get a full size carseat that rear faces and a coat for him, so she can just carry him in and out. And much to my suprise she actually took my advice for the second time in a week. The first time she took my advice she was still standing and holding him to get him to go to sleep and I told her to just let him cry a little, he will eventually learn how to fall asleep in his crib alone. She IM'd me all excited a couple days later about how great it was that she can just lay him in the crib and he goes to sleep alone. I keep telling them I know what I am talking about, but only when I am asked for my opinion. I mean I do have FOUR children after all.


KiKi said...

Best invention ever, I say.

Stephanie said...

I think so too. But I don't have to carry him around every day. ;)

Allie said...

I have big kids, Nicholas was off the charts (never fat, his height and weight always lined up) and Sophia is in the 98th percentile. People always come up to me and can't believe how old my children actually are but if they bothered to look at me they could tell why. I'm 5'10" and I come from a large family, meaning my height is not unusual.

Stephanie said...

See and I have the opposite problem, I am 5' and people think my kids are so advanced because they look so much younger than they are. Not to say they aren't bright, but most people think Sophia is like a 1 1/2, not 2 1/2.

Plus their doctor gives me a hard time about how small they are, like DUH! No female in my family (on both freakin sides) is over
5'2" tall. They aren't going to be average.